Devil’s Rock Creamy Blue Cheese

My friend Liza emailed me today about an interesting cheese she read about in today’s Globe and Mail. Of course I had to check out the article.

Here is a quote from the article.

If velvety is a quality you look for in cheese rather than fabric, you need to add Devil’s Rock Creamy Blue Cheese to your shopping list. Thornloe Cheese, a dairy based in the northern Ontario town of Thornloe, created the recipe to be a higher-fat, smoother version of their more traditional-style Casey Blue. The goal was a blue that still had some bite, but with its sharpness cushioned in a rich, luxurious texture.

The article lists locations around the Greater Toronto Area which carry this cheese. I’ll be trying it soon and adding it to my growing list of cheese experiences.

via Cheese so smooth you’ll be humming Blue Velvet – The Globe and Mail.

Update: March 2, 2011

Devil's Rock Creamy Blue Cheese

I found the Devil’s Rock Creamy Blue Cheese at a local Longo’s supermarket. Longo’s had the cheese available as a whole brick or half brick. I tried the half brick.

How does Devil’s Rock Creamy Blue Cheese taste?

I have yet to meet a blue cheese I don’t like. I found the cheese very creamy, just as expected. But I found this cheese milder than I expected. Don’t misinterpret that comment … it was pleasantly mild. This is the first Canadian Blue Cheese that I have tried. Therefore, by default, it is the best Canadian Blue Cheese I’ve had so far.

But when compared to its international competitors such as Roaring Forties, Ovinsardo, Saint Agur or Roquefort my preference leans toward the stronger blues.

This cheese would be a good bet on a cheese board. The shape and black wax casing are visually interesting. I think it would be enjoyed by most people simply because it is creamy and mild. If that was Thornloe’s objective then they hit the mark.

Cheese Storage

I wanted to learn the best way to store my cheese. My current method is to simply place the cheese in a ziploc bag and refrigerate. I figured if I did some Googling, some reading and asked a few folks at the cheese shop then I would have it all figured out. I was partially right. This cheese storage thing can be pretty simple or it can be as complex as you care to make it.

I have drawn the following conclusions (so far).

  • Cheese should be stored at 40-45 F.
  • Cheese likes to breath.
  • Cheese likes humidity.

The Ziploc Method (invented by me)

My ziploc bag method meets the temperature criteria. If I poke a few holes in the ziploc bag I satisfy the breathing criteria. I’m thinking that if I put a small damp paper towel in the ziploc bag I probably can satisfy the humidity criteria. That is my Cheese Storage on a budget solution.

The Cheese Saver

I found a more sophisticated solution called the Cheese Saver. The concept is simple and it makes sense to me. The good folks at  Cheese Saver Incorporated have engineered a modern cheese storage system using some plastic ware within plastic ware and viola, your cheese storage problem is solved!

Check out the The Cheese Saver website. The system is inexpensive and simple. Alternatively the idea could be easily duplicated with some Tupperware containers and a bit of modification.

The Fromagair

I found a high end cheese storage solution for the connoisseur with a big budget. It is called The Fromagair.


The website states:

The Fromagair cheese climatization cabinet is not a refrigerator but a genuine climatically controlled cabinet that provides the ideal conditions for cheese storage.

The Fromagair has two zones. One zone provides a temperature of 6 °C and a relative humidity of 90 % to slow down the cheese ripening process. The 2nd zone is set at 16 °C to keep the cheese at an ideal serving temperature. That is a pretty snazzy way to store cheese. Again the concept is simple. Store cheese at 6 °C with high humidity and warm to 16 C to serve.

How long will cheese last?

The short answer is “it depends”. You can expect almost any cheese to last at least several days if refrigerated.

Once the cheese is cut, like the cheese at shops or grocery stores, it may last a few weeks weeks or a month if properly stored. Cheese that is uncut, like a wheel of aged cheese, can last a long time, maybe years.  Hard cheese lasts longer than soft cheese.

Tips, Ideas and Thoughts

It is a good idea to label your cheese with the type and date purchased. The ziploc method is ideal for this. Just write on the bag.

If cheese has been left out and begins to break down, you can clean off the outer surface to remove oils.  Use a knife to scrape it off.  Once left out, it is recommended to store the cheese in a container instead of wrapping.

If you freeze cheese, the flavor will be altered. It is recommended only if using cheese for cooking.

Store your cheeses in the lower shelf of your refrigerator, far from foods with strong odours, to avoid absorption of unwanted tastes and smells.

Some people recommend wrapping the cheese in plastic wrap to provide a tight seal to protect the cheese from moisture, odor and possible molding in the fridge. But this method is contradictory to the “let it breath” philosophy leaving me a bit perplexed.

Cheese Storage Formulas

If you are the engineering type you may be inclined to get a bit more exacting with your cheese storage plan. For the perfectionists I came across specific suggestions based on cheese type. I call these the Cheese Storage Formulas.

Rindless Cheese

Rindless cheese like Marscapone, Mozzarella and Ricotta should be stored at 35F to 39F. If the cheese is purchased in a plastic container, continue to cover it tightly in storage. Chevre should first be wrapped in parchment paper or foil, and then stored in a tightly sealed plastic container. Feta keeps best when stored in a salt brine bath in a tightly sealed plastic container. If you find mold on a fresh, rindless cheese, discard the entire product.

Semi-soft cheeses such as Havarti, Cheddar, Colby, Swiss, and Monterey Jack should be stored at 40F to 45F. Cut cheese should be wrapped in parchment or waxed paper first and then again in plastic wrap, or simply stored wrapped only in plastic wrap to help retain moisture.

Natural Rind Cheese

The natural rind cheeses include semi-hard and hard grating cheeses such as Parmesan, Romano and Asiago. Store these cheeses at 40F to 45F degrees tightly wrapped in plastic wrap to prevent moisture loss.

Washed Rind Cheese

A washed rind cheese is bathed regularly by hand during aging with a bacterial solution to promote ripening and flavor development.  Examples include Gruyère, Limburger, Raclette and Italian-style Fontina.

Store washed rind cheese at 40F to 50F at an elevated humidity of 65%.  If the cheese is cut, wrap it in waxed or parchment paper and place it in a plastic container pierced with several holes to allow air circulation.  If the cheese appears to be drying out, place a clean, slightly damp towel (paper towel is fine) in the bottom of the container to elevate the humidity. If the cheese begins to smell ammoniated, remove it from the container and let it sit uncovered in the refrigerator or on a clean counter. Once the odor is no longer present, rewrap the cheese in clean paper and refrigerate. If the odor persists after 2 to 3 hours, discard the cheese.

Bloomy Rind Cheese

Bloomy rind cheeses include Camembert, Brie and some Chevres. Store bloomy rind cheese at 40F to 45F with elevated humidity. After bloomy rind cheese is cut, place a thin piece of parchment paper over the exposed area and use the original wrapping to cover the cheese. Or, store the unwrapped cheese in a sealed plastic container pierced with a few holes for air circulation.  Place a clean, slightly damp towel in the bottom of the container to elevate the humidity.

Blue Cheese

Store blue cheese at 40F to 45F with elevated humidity. The cheese should be wrapped in aluminum foil, preferably the original foil you receive the cheese in. Finding mold on a blue-veined cheese is usually a good thing.  However, if the mold appears black and slimy, discard the entire piece.

I don’t think you can go too wrong storing cheese. It is a fairly low maintenance food. The cooler the temperature that it is kept the longer it will last, short of freezing. I’ve had cheese sit out for many hours while entertaining and it has lasted perfectly fine. Ideally it is at room temperature for optimal flavor any way.

Why store cheese anyway? If it’s good … eat it!

Rosenborg Castello Blue Cheese

I am a guy that enjoys cheese. It doesn’t have to be fancy, or artisan, although I’m Ok with those too!

I bought a small package of Rosenborg Blue Cheese at a Loblaws. The label looks familiar and you can probably find this cheese most anywhere. I’ve had it before.  Now that I’m blogging about cheese I am “tuned in”. What does that mean? It means I’m paying attention. I notice the color, the texture, the smell and the taste. Instead of a food it is a now a treat.

So I opened the package.

It was vacuum sealed. I’ve been reading about cheese storage (I’ll blog on this soon). The basic idea is that cheese is alive and needs to breathe. This cheese was sealed up tight. I guess that is intended to extend the shelf life but I wonder if that affects the taste. Would a piece of the same cheese, taken from the wheel, taste different than this store package? I don’t have a way to figure that out yet.

I had to put it on a cheese board and lay out a few Carr’s Table Water Crackers. I think if you are going to enjoy a cheese you just have to do this. Would you drink a nice wine from a plastic cup? You could, but it’s not the same as a nice wine glass. I don’t know why that is, but it is.

The taste test – It’s nice. The extra creamy style is noted as being the 4th strongest on a scale of 1 to 5. It is pleasant but certainly not strong. It is creamy. It melts in your mouth. It spreads on a cracker easily. I found it salty. To me this is pretty basic blue cheese. I expect that as I taste other blue cheeses, and do some further comparison, the differences will become more apparent. In summary this was good, good enough for guests but not a wow for me.

Taking it to the next level I explored the website for Rosenborg Castella. The web site was excellent. I was able to navigate to a page specific to the exact cheese I purchased. I was impressed with the claim that “In 1994, Rosenborg-Castello® Extra Creamy Blue was voted the world’s best from among 590 other cheeses.”

Rosenborg Castle

Even more interesting was information about the history of the Rosenborg name which is a reference to a famous Castle in Copenhagen that dates back to the early 17th century. Who knew eating some blue cheese from the supermarket would bring me to understand a piece of 17th century history in Denmark. That’s the beauty of a cheese adventure.