Canadian Moose Cheese

Moose – Google Images

There are an estimated 850,000 Moose in Canada, yet I still have not been able to find a producer of Canadian Moose cheese.

I did find some information from Wikipedia that states that moose cheese is available from The Elk House (Älgens Hus) farm in Bjurholm, Sweden. It is run by Christer and Ulla Johansson and it is believed to be the world’s only producer of moose cheese. They have three milk producing moose, whose milk yields roughly 300 kilograms of cheese per year. The cheese sells for about $987 (CAD$) per kilogram. The moose cheese is 12% fat and 12% protein.

Whoa … back up … that’s right – $987 per Kilo or $487 per pound. You would think that some enterprising Canadian cheesemaker entrepreneur might be lured into producing some moose cheese to give Sweden a little competition.

Hmmm – I wonder where I could go to learn to milk a moose?

In the meantime, I guess I’ll have to stick to eating Maple Cheddar which is still very Canadian but much more affordable.

11 comments on “Canadian Moose Cheese

  1. ohiocook says:

    Thank you for reading and the “Like” on my post. I like your blog it’s on one of my favorite things CHEESE!

  2. Kat says:

    Moose cheese…now that’s one I haven’t heard of! That’s crazy expensive!! Now I’m really curious as to what it tastes like.

  3. lmaybaum says:

    Would love to taste cheese made from moose milk! Very intriguing!

  4. musingmar says:

    I think the biggest challenge in making this cheese would be to catch a moose first…

  5. Cyrelle says:

    seriously? how does it taste like?

  6. Nancy says:

    Cheese is like crack cocaine to me. Well, a bit cheaper (except for that moose cheese!). Nice to discover your blog. Thanks for “liking” mine.

  7. Rachel says:

    I can just see the recipe now… “First you *catch* a moose…. ” 😉

  8. Zak says:

    I tasted this myself when I was in Sweden for the summer 2012. It is quite different from what we are used to as cow or a goat milk cheese. But I wasn’t impressed. I think the reason why it is expensive is because they can’t milk them year around like cows or goats. I can’t imagine my self milking a mouse because they are wild.

    • alfievenner says:

      Actually most goats cheeses are seasonal. In Spring the goats might be eating fresh grass, wild flowers and the leaves from deciduous trees, which gives the milk a lot of interesting flavours. In the winter they will be eating hay and sugar-beet, so there is no point in making cheese.

      Thanks Ontdrew for your like and I look forward to reading more of your stuff in the future!

  9. Awesome blog! I’m adding you to my list of favorites!

  10. Dan Caldwell says:

    I want to buy moose milk

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