Nosey Goat Camelot Cheese – Video Inspiration

Nosey Goat Camelot

Nosey Goat Camelot

I picked up some Nosey Goat Camelot last week during a visit to the Upper Canada Cheese Store in Jordon Station, Ontario (Canada). This cheese was out on the sampling counter. Amidst all of the golden yellow cheeses made from Guernsey Cow milk was this pale white cheese. As the staff offered me a sample piece I was braced for disappointment but was instead rewarded with a surprisingly good cheese, a goat cheese.

Nosey Goat Camelot Cheese

Nosey Goat Camelot Cheese

The Nosey Goat Camelot cheese is made from the milk from a herd of Lamancha goats in Keene, Ontario.  This cheese is semi-hard and aged for 2 months.

Nosey Goat Camelot Cheese Wheel

Nosey Goat Camelot Cheese Wheel

Nosey Goat Camelot took top honors at the 2011 Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. It won Reserve Champion in the goat cheese division.

Nosey Goat Camelot Cheese

Nosey Goat Camelot Cheese

What does Nosey Goat Camelot cheese taste like? This is a mild goat cheese with a firm paste. It is well balanced and mildly salty. It has a great texture and slices easily. I recommend savouring thin slices by letting it melt on your tongue. It dissolves slowly and turns creamy. It will excite your taste buds as you explore the unfolding of flavour. It has a short and soft finish. It’s not strong yet it steps right up and greets you with a flavour presence that is “just right”.

I am still somewhat inexperienced exploring goat cheeses. I have not tried very many as compared to cow’s milk cheeses. Yet, this is the cheese that is motivating me to increase my experimenting with goat cheese.

Nosey Goat Camelot is now my benchmark semi-firm goat cheese. It will be interesting to compare others against it. If you want to include a goat cheese on a cheese board I suggest you give Nosey Goat Camelot serious consideration. I think it is unique but in a safe way that most people will either accept or really like.

Nosey Goat Camelot is the cheese that has inspired me to try producing my first cheese video.

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